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Effective Post-Whitening Care for Managing Sensitive Teeth
Dr. Tarandeep Sidiura
May 8, 2024
Ever felt a sudden jolt of pain while sipping your morning coffee or biting into an ice cream cone? If you’ve recently had a teeth whitening treatment, that could be the reason. Tooth sensitivity is a common side effect, affecting up to 80% of patients. It’s a result of bleaching agents penetrating your tooth enamel, causing inflammation in the dental pulp, which houses your nerves.
With teeth whitening treatments gaining popularity, it’s crucial to comprehend the associated side effects, tooth sensitivity being a prominent one. Remember, it doesn’t result in any permanent damage to your teeth. It is, however, essential to understand this temporary discomfort’s root causes and the variations in sensitivity experiences.
Causes of Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening
Teeth sensitivity following a whitening treatment is primarily due to the bleaching agents used in these procedures. Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, the most commonly used chemicals, penetrate the tooth enamel and dentin layer, leading to discomfort. They trigger inflammation in the dental pulp, a tissue rich in nerves.
An augment in the concentration of these agents can escalate the risk and severity of sensitivity. Similarly, if these treatments undergo an extended duration, sensitivity could intensify.
For instance, envision your tooth as a defense fortress. The outer shell or the enamel acts as the defensive wall, while the inner part, referred to as dentin, houses the fort’s sensitive areas. When the bleaching agents break through the barriers and infiltrate your tooth’s core, it causes inflammation, resulting in sensitivity.
Variations in Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Varying degrees of sensitivity can occur among individuals. Influencing factors include the condition of one’s teeth, the intensity of the whitening treatment, and the individual’s pain tolerance.
If you ask five people about their tooth sensitivity experiences, you’ll get five different answers. For one, it might be a minor annoyance akin to a mosquito buzzing around a room. For another, it might be momentarily intense. Yet for some, it might be more ongoing and bothersome, akin to a persistently dripping tap.
Pre-Whitening Care for Sensitive Teeth
Preventing sensitivity begins before the whitening process even starts. The proactive measures you take can have a significant impact on the overall experience. For instance, desensitizing toothpaste, featuring ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, helps block pain signals to the dental nerves. For better results, brush gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush rather than a hard one that can exacerbate sensitivity.
Another preventive step against sensitivity involves taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Compounds like ibuprofen tend to lessen inflammation and discomfort. But, it’s always a good idea to consult with your dentist before starting any medication routine.
Food choices can also play a key role. It’s wise to steer clear from extremely hot, cold, acidic or sugary foods and drinks that can aggravate sensitivity. Opt for lukewarm foods, and use a straw to limit contact with teeth.
Remember, a little pre-whitening care can go a long way in ensuring a more comfortable route to a brighter smile. Discuss these strategies with your dentist and find the approach that best fits your sensitivity concerns.
When to Consult a Dentist for Persistent Sensitivity
If you’ve used professional teeth whitening treatments, you might experience prolonged tooth sensitivity. This isn’t a ‘just grit your teeth and bear it’ situation, though. Often, recognizing when to get help is as vital as knowing how to help yourself.
Circumstances may arise, even though all measures to alleviate discomfort, that require expert intervention. Taking note of the following three scenarios helps be proactive in getting professional help:
Persistent Sensitivity: This pertains to sensitivity that simply refuses to go away even if you’ve given your teeth some respite and applied home remedies. If you find the sensitivity lingering for an extended time, it’s time to call the dentist.
Intolerable Discomfort: A little sensitivity might be usual post-whitening, but if you’re finding the discomfort unbearable to the point of disrupting daily activities, that’s a red flag.
Signs of Other Dental Issues: Frequent severe pain and changes in tooth colour or swelling are not typical signs of sensitivity. They could indicate serious dental issues and merit immediate professional attention.
Remember, your dentist is equipped to handle severe sensitivity. They can astutely assess the situation, and recommend tailor-made desensitizing treatments or prescription-strength desensitisers as needed. They may also provide custom-fitted whitening trays that protect sensitive areas while effectively maintaining your pearly whites. Care for your smile doesn’t stop at whitening; it continues with effective post-whitening care. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist.
Maintaining Comfort and Brightness: Expert Care for Sensitive Teeth Post-Whitening at South Oak Dental
With the right care, you can manage discomfort and keep your smile shining. Dr. Sidiura and the South Oak Dental team not only offer teeth whitening services but also provide advice for managing sensitivity post-treatment. Incorporate desensitizing toothpaste, over-the-counter pain relievers, warm saltwater rinses, and fluoride treatments into your routine to minimize discomfort. Be cautious with your diet, avoid extreme temperatures, and brush gently. If sensitivity continues, consult Dr. Sidiura for personalized treatments and guidance to ensure your path to a brighter smile is as comfortable as possible.
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* Public Methods
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* Throttle function borrowed from:
* Underscore.js 1.5.2
* (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
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