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At South Oak Dental, we offer crowns and bridges for our patients. If you have a weakened or damaged tooth, a missing tooth or teeth, we can help. We provide natural looking restorations so no one can tell the difference.
Crowns and bridges offer significant benefits, helping to keep your teeth healthy.
Dental Crowns
A dental crown protects a decayed, weak, or fractured tooth to prevent more damage, such as a widened crack, impact to a nerve, or other issues. You are less likely to lose a tooth with a dental crown. They also help to maintain a proper bite alignment to prevent other oral concerns that a poor bite can cause.
Crowns also help add enough strength to a tooth to allow it to support a dental bridge and the increased forces that this can entail.
Patients experience reduced tooth sensitivity to temperature and pressure, and have less discomfort after receiving dental crowns. Crowns help patients eat more easily, without pain.
There are cosmetic benefits to a dental crown, too, with a tooth-coloured crown, as it will cover discolourations and imperfections.
Bridges are fixed prosthetic devices, unlike dentures, so are less likely to shift. This makes them more secure for eating and speaking, as well as feel more comfortable.
By holding the space in your gap, bridges prevent the teeth around the gap from shifting towards it. This can create spacing issues, and can cause teeth to become loose and fall out. Since tooth loss is also linked with decreasing bone mass, and a loss of bone mass leads to further tooth loss, stabilizing a gap is important. Shifting teeth is associated with higher risks of tooth decay and periodontal disease as well. Bridges effectively stabilize a gap left by missing teeth, to prevent these issues.
Gaps also have a negative impact on your bite, creating issues such as jaw pain and TMJ, which can be avoided with a bridge.
As bridges replace missing teeth with prosthetics that look like real teeth, they provide an aesthetically pleasing solution to the appearance of a gap.
Contact South Oak Dental today to learn more about whether a crown or bridge could benefit you. We are here to help!
We can fit you with natural-looking dental crowns and bridges that blend in with your own teeth. Don’t delay treatment if you have a gap or are suffering with decayed or damaged teeth. We will develop a personal treatment plan to address your concerns and restore your smile.
Crowns and Bridges
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are protective caps for damaged, decayed, broken or otherwise weakened teeth. They add strength and support to these vulnerable teeth to prevent further damage. Your dentist will recommend a dental crown if the structure of your tooth is weakened. They are often recommended after a root canal treatment or a large filling, a dental trauma, and in other situations where the tooth is damaged.
Dental crowns are also used to add strength to the teeth that will support a bridge, or to act as the artificial tooth with a dental implant.
Dental crowns come in a variety of materials; you can get porcelain or ceramic crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, gold crowns, and others.
At South Oak Dental, we offer different crowns to meet your needs, and carefully match tooth-coloured crowns to your natural teeth. Crowns are custom made for you at a dental lab; you will be given a temporary crown to last you until your permanent crown is ready.
A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth with natural-looking artificial teeth. The prosthetic teeth are attached to your natural teeth, known as abutment teeth, on either side of the gap. Usually, crowns are used to help support the abutment teeth. Together, dental crowns and bridges are an effective solution for a missing tooth or teeth.
Dental bridges come in a variety of different materials, including ceramic, Zirconia, porcelain, and metals. Bridges are custom made for you, just like crowns, at a dental laboratory, to ensure a good fit and function. A temporary dental bridge is placed until your permanent one is ready.
Patients may experience tooth loss for a variety of reasons, including dental trauma, gum disease, and tooth decay, but it is important for your oral health to fill a gap with a tooth replacement option. It makes eating and speaking easier, and prevents your remaining teeth from shifting.
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* Plugin
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* Functions
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/* Returns String */
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* Public Methods
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* Throttle function borrowed from:
* Underscore.js 1.5.2
* (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
*/function throttle(func, wait) {
var context, args, result;
var timeout = null;
var previous = 0;
var later = function() {
previous = new Date;
timeout = null;
result = func.apply(context, args);
return function() {
var now = new Date;
if (!previous) previous = now;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
* Scroll Event
*/function bindScrollDepth() {scrollEventBound = true;$window.on('scroll.scrollDepth', throttle(function() {
* We calculate document and window height on each scroll event to
* account for dynamic DOM changes.
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