Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral Sedation
About Oral Sedation Dentistry
Conscious Oral Sedation
Conscious sedation means you are awake but very relaxed, as opposed to being completely unconscious as you are when under general anesthesia. For oral sedation, you are prescribed a sedative medication, usually as a pill which is to be taken an hour before your dental procedure begins. You will be given full instructions with your prescription.
How Will You Feel?
You will feel relaxed. Oral sedation induces a significant level of grogginess, and you may even fall asleep during the procedure. However, you will still be able to communicate with your dentist, if necessary, and you will be responsive. Oral sedatives can offer mild to moderate sedation. Because of the effects of oral sedation on memory and motor skills, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you to and from your dental appointment after taking a sedative.
How Sedation Dentistry Helps
Oral sedation helps many people be able to obtain the dental care they need, and be comfortable during dental procedures.
Dental Anxiety and Phobia Management
Oral sedation makes it easier for patients with dental anxiety, dental phobias, or claustrophobia, as well as those who have had unpleasant experiences in the past. Oral sedatives are excellent for those with mild to moderate dental anxiety.
Pain Management
Oral sedation can enhance the effectiveness of local anesthesia for more comfortable dental procedures, and helps those with a low pain tolerance.
Comfort During Long or Complex Dental Procedures
For extensive dental treatments and multiple procedures, oral sedation offers a more positive experience and makes the time pass quickly.
Other Factors and Special Needs
Oral sedation helps suppress an overly sensitive gag reflex so patients can receive treatment.
Oral Sedation During Dental Procedures
During an initial consultation at our dental office, our dentist, Dr. Sidiura, will review your medical history, discuss any concerns, and answer any questions. Dr. Sidiura will ensure you are a good candidate for sedation, and determine the appropriate dosage for you. Your safety and well being are our priority.
You will be given a prescription and instructions. In most cases, you’ll take the medication about an hour before your dental procedure.
Dental Treatment
Once you are comfortable and relaxed, our dentist will begin your procedure. Our team will closely monitor you throughout the procedure.
Post Treatment
You will need some time to recover from the effects of the sedation. You will also need a responsible adult to take you to and from your appointment, as the sedative impairs your ability to drive.
Is Sedation Safe?
It’s important to follow your post-procedure care instructions. Plan to take it easy for the rest of the day, and avoid strenuous activities, driving, or operating heavy machinery until the sedative has fully worn off. Stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
Oral Sedation vs. Different Types of Sedation
IV sedation, the deepest form, requires an anesthesiologist to administer the sedative directly into the bloodstream.
Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is a widely used and safe sedative in dentistry. Administered through a mask, it induces relaxation and euphoria, minimizing anxiety during dental procedures. Its quick onset and short duration make it a popular choice for creating a comfortable and stress-free experience for dental patients.
Oral sedation offers a balance by providing a moderate level of sedation. Patients remain conscious but profoundly relaxed. Simply taking a pill makes it more convenient than IV sedation, and may be better for patients afraid of needles. An oral sedative also offers a deeper sedation than nitrous oxide, making it a good choice for those with dental anxiety or extensive treatment needs. A key advantage of oral sedatives for anxious patients is that they can be prescribed and taken in advance of a treatment, so the patient can be relaxed before even entering the clinic.
Contact us today to see if oral sedation is right for you. Your oral health is our top priority, so we want to support you in any way we can.
Don’t let fear or anxiety prevent you from maintaining your oral health.