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Invisalign Treatment: A More Discreet Alternative to Metal Braces
An Invisalign treatment is a discreet and effective way to straighten your teeth, and an alternative to traditional braces. Our dentist, Dr. Sidiura, is a certified Invisalign provider; we’re excited to be able to offer this solution to our patients.
You can straighten your teeth and benefit from orthodontic treatment, and nobody will notice. Unlike braces with traditional brackets and wires, Invisalign trays are clear and removable, for a comfortable and virtually invisible straightening.
Many people choose an Invisalign treatment because they are very discreet and nearly invisible, but there are several other advantages to the Align technology.
Invisalign aligners fit comfortably. The smooth, flexible plastic doesn’t irritate gums or tissues in the mouth. You can also remove them to eat and drink.
Removable for Cleaning
Because you can remove your Invisalign aligners to brush and floss your teeth, it is easy to maintain good oral hygiene. This is important for your oral health, as you are less likely to experience tooth decay or gum disease if you are able to properly care for your teeth throughout your treatment period.
Invisalign Cost
We offer flexible payment plans and 0% interest financing options as well.
Invisalign treatment times vary depending on your specific case. This advanced clear aligner system is an effective orthodontic treatment, giving you a straighter and healthier smile quickly and comfortably.
Not Damaging
Invisalign clear aligners don’t scratch, damage, or leave stains on teeth. In addition, your Invisalign aligners also act as a mouth guard, and protect your teeth from grinding or other wear.
This orthodontic treatment can treat a range of alignment issues, including crowded teeth, gapped teeth, misaligned teeth, and a narrow smile. Invisalign aligners will gradually straighten teeth into a new smile.
An Invisalign treatment is effective for mild to moderate crowding, gaps, crookedness, and other misalignments, shifting your teeth for a more even appearance and more appealing smile.
Following a consultation with Dr. Sidiura, and a 3D digital scan of your teeth with an iTero Element Plus, we can develop your custom treatment plan.
Custom Made Aligners
We will custom design the shape, size and placement of tooth-coloured attachments on certain teeth based on your custom designed and personalized treatment plan to help move your teeth with the aligners.
Sequences of Trays
Custom made aligners are manufactured specifically for your teeth! Creating a sequence of trays designed to precisely move each tooth individually to achieve your beautiful new smile!
Treatment Times
Treatment times will vary based on how simple or complex the movements would be in order to move your teeth. For some patients Invisalign treatment can be faster and more precise than traditional braces, leading to shorter treatment times.
If you have crowded, gapped, or misaligned teeth, contact South Oak Dental about an Invisalign treatment. We will work with your insurance coverage provider to coordinate your orthodontic coverage, and can discuss payment options with you as necessary, to help you get the orthodontic treatment you need.
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* Plugin
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* Functions
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if ( $.inArray(key, cache) === -1 && scrollDistance >= val ) {
sendEvent('Percentage', key, scrollDistance, timing);
}function rounded(scrollDistance) {
/* Returns String */
return (Math.floor(scrollDistance/250) * 250).toString();
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* Public Methods
*//* Reset Scroll Depth with the originally initialized options */
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* Throttle function borrowed from:
* Underscore.js 1.5.2
* (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
*/function throttle(func, wait) {
var context, args, result;
var timeout = null;
var previous = 0;
var later = function() {
previous = new Date;
timeout = null;
result = func.apply(context, args);
return function() {
var now = new Date;
if (!previous) previous = now;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
* Scroll Event
*/function bindScrollDepth() {scrollEventBound = true;$window.on('scroll.scrollDepth', throttle(function() {
* We calculate document and window height on each scroll event to
* account for dynamic DOM changes.
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timing = +new Date - startTime;checkMarks(marks, scrollDistance, timing);
}, 500));}init();
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