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function monsterinsights_forms_record_impression(event) {
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var skip_conversion = false;
/* Check to see if it's contact form 7 if the id isn't set */
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var result = tokens.join('-');
monsterinsights_forms[monsterinsights_forms_i].setAttribute("id", result);/* Now we can do just what we did above */
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monsterinsights_form_id = false;
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tokens = monsterinsights_form_id.split('-').slice(0, 3);
result = tokens.join('-');
monsterinsights_forms[monsterinsights_forms_i].setAttribute('id', result);
/* Now we can do just what we did above */
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event_category: 'form',
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value: 1,
non_interaction: true
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}/* Formiddable Forms, use custom tracking */
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if (monsterinsights_form_id && 0 === monsterinsights_form_id.lastIndexOf('gform_', 0)) {
}/* If Ninja forms, we use custom conversion tracking */
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(function (form_id) {
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery('#' + form_id).on('submit', monsterinsights_forms_record_conversion);
} else {
var __gaFormsTrackerWindow = window;
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} else {
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}function monsterinsights_forms_has_class(element, className) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className + ' ') > -1;
}function monsterinsights_forms_record_conversion(event) {
var monsterinsights_form_conversion_id =;
var monsterinsights_form_action ="miforms-action");
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document.getElementById(monsterinsights_form_conversion_id).setAttribute("miforms-action", "submitted");
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event_category: 'form',
event_label: monsterinsights_form_conversion_id,
value: 1,
}/* Attach the events to all clicks in the document after page and GA has loaded */
function monsterinsights_forms_load() {
if (typeof (__gtagTracker) !== 'undefined' && __gtagTracker) {
var __gtagFormsTrackerWindow = window;
if (__gtagFormsTrackerWindow.addEventListener) {
__gtagFormsTrackerWindow.addEventListener("load", monsterinsights_forms_record_impression, false);
} else {
if (__gtagFormsTrackerWindow.attachEvent) {
__gtagFormsTrackerWindow.attachEvent("onload", monsterinsights_forms_record_impression);
} else {
setTimeout(monsterinsights_forms_load, 200);
}/* Custom Ninja Forms impression tracking */
if (window.jQuery) {
jQuery(document).on('nfFormReady', function (e, layoutView) {
var label = layoutView.el;
label = label.substring(1, label.length);
label = label.split('-').slice(0, 3).join('-');
__gtagTracker('event', 'impression', {
event_category: 'form',
event_label: label,
value: 1,
non_interaction: true
}/* Custom Bloom Form tracker */
function monsterinsights_add_bloom_forms_ids() {
var bloom_forms = document.querySelectorAll('.et_bloom_form_content form');
if (bloom_forms.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < bloom_forms.length; i++) {
if ('' === bloom_forms[i].id) {
var form_parent_root = monsterinsights_find_parent_with_class(bloom_forms[i], 'et_bloom_optin');
if (form_parent_root) {
var classes = form_parent_root.className.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; ++j) {
if (0 === classes[j].indexOf('et_bloom_optin')) {
bloom_forms[i].id = classes[j];
}function monsterinsights_find_parent_with_class(element, className) {
if (element.parentNode && '' !== className) {
if (element.parentNode.className.indexOf(className) >= 0) {
return element.parentNode;
} else {
return monsterinsights_find_parent_with_class(element.parentNode, className);
return false;
We’re a team that is dedicated to improving and maintaining healthy smiles in Oakville, Ontario. Not only that, but we’re dedicated to ensuring our team is well cared for as well with incredible advancement opportunities, competitive compensation, a supportive environment, and a close-knit community. We aim to make a difference in everyone’s lives and can’t wait to welcome you to our family!
As a part of our dental team, you’ll have the opportunity to work closely with a diverse group of professionals who work together to provide exceptional services to patients of all ages in Oakville. You’ll have the chance to make a positive impact on the oral health and well-being of your patients by helping them achieve healthy smiles through every stage of life. Plus, you’ll be given plenty of opportunities for growth and advancement through continuing education courses as well as training and learning opportunities with industry experts.
Whether you’re looking to join our team as a dentist, specialist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, receptionist, or more, please submit your resume and cover letter detailing why you’d be a great fit today. If you are an enthusiastic individual who has a positive attitude, is a team player, and has a passion for helping others achieve optimal oral health, then you’ll be a valuable addition to our team and we can’t wait to hear from you. And, while we appreciate all applicants taking the time to apply to our practice and their enthusiasm, only those who are seriously considered for the position will be contacted for an interview.
Whether you’re looking to join our team as a dentist, specialist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, receptionist, or more, please submit your resume and cover letter detailing why you’d be a great fit today. If you are an enthusiastic individual who has a positive attitude, is a team player, and has a passion for helping others achieve optimal oral health, then you’ll be a valuable addition to our team and we can’t wait to hear from you. And, while we appreciate all applicants taking the time to apply to our practice and their enthusiasm, only those who are seriously considered for the position will be contacted for an interview.
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// Hide the parent element
icon.closest('.et_pb_social_network_link').style.display = 'none';
/* MonsterInsights Scroll Tracking */
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function monsterinsights_scroll_tracking_load() {
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}(function($) {/* Scroll Depth */
"use strict";
var defaults = {
percentage: true
};var $window = $(window),
cache = [],
scrollEventBound = false,
lastPixelDepth = 0;/*
* Plugin
*/$.scrollDepth = function(options) {var startTime = +new Date();options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);/*
* Functions
*/function sendEvent(action, label, scrollDistance, timing) {
if ( 'undefined' === typeof MonsterInsightsObject || 'undefined' === typeof MonsterInsightsObject.sendEvent ) {
var paramName = action.toLowerCase();
var fieldsArray = {
send_to: 'G-3SLZ82CGFS',
non_interaction: true
fieldsArray[paramName] = label;if (arguments.length > 3) {
fieldsArray.scroll_timing = timing
MonsterInsightsObject.sendEvent('event', 'scroll_depth', fieldsArray);
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MonsterInsightsObject.sendEvent('event', 'scroll_depth', fieldsArray);
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return {
'25%' : parseInt(docHeight * 0.25, 10),
'50%' : parseInt(docHeight * 0.50, 10),
'75%' : parseInt(docHeight * 0.75, 10),
/* Cushion to trigger 100% event in iOS */
'100%': docHeight - 5
}function checkMarks(marks, scrollDistance, timing) {
/* Check each active mark */
$.each(marks, function(key, val) {
if ( $.inArray(key, cache) === -1 && scrollDistance >= val ) {
sendEvent('Percentage', key, scrollDistance, timing);
}function rounded(scrollDistance) {
/* Returns String */
return (Math.floor(scrollDistance/250) * 250).toString();
}function init() {
* Public Methods
*//* Reset Scroll Depth with the originally initialized options */
$.scrollDepth.reset = function() {
cache = [];
lastPixelDepth = 0;
};/* Add DOM elements to be tracked */
$.scrollDepth.addElements = function(elems) {if (typeof elems == "undefined" || !$.isArray(elems)) {
}$.merge(options.elements, elems);/* If scroll event has been unbound from window, rebind */
if (!scrollEventBound) {
}};/* Remove DOM elements currently tracked */
$.scrollDepth.removeElements = function(elems) {if (typeof elems == "undefined" || !$.isArray(elems)) {
}$.each(elems, function(index, elem) {var inElementsArray = $.inArray(elem, options.elements);
var inCacheArray = $.inArray(elem, cache);if (inElementsArray != -1) {
options.elements.splice(inElementsArray, 1);
}if (inCacheArray != -1) {
cache.splice(inCacheArray, 1);
* Throttle function borrowed from:
* Underscore.js 1.5.2
* (c) 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
* Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
*/function throttle(func, wait) {
var context, args, result;
var timeout = null;
var previous = 0;
var later = function() {
previous = new Date;
timeout = null;
result = func.apply(context, args);
return function() {
var now = new Date;
if (!previous) previous = now;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
* Scroll Event
*/function bindScrollDepth() {scrollEventBound = true;$window.on('scroll.scrollDepth', throttle(function() {
* We calculate document and window height on each scroll event to
* account for dynamic DOM changes.
*/var docHeight = $(document).height(),
winHeight = window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $window.height(),
scrollDistance = $window.scrollTop() + winHeight,/* Recalculate percentage marks */
marks = calculateMarks(docHeight),/* Timing */
timing = +new Date - startTime;checkMarks(marks, scrollDistance, timing);
}, 500));}init();
};/* UMD export */
return $.scrollDepth;}));jQuery.scrollDepth();
} else {
setTimeout(monsterinsights_scroll_tracking_load, 200);
/* End MonsterInsights Scroll Tracking */
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